Monday 18 February 2013

SideStrip SnapShots: Our Legoland Adventure in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

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LEGOLAND, Johor Bahru, Malaysia was quite an experience for me and my friends. We had booked a travel and tour van from Singapore that took us through the traffic and guided us through customs to get to Legoland Malaysia which is what I would recommend for most people that are traveling in big groups such as us rather then go through the hassles of bus travel and commuting by car which I have to say if you had seen what we saw during the weekend trip to Johor Bahru you'd most likely regret it. The vehicle lanes are divided between cars and buses/vans. 

Based on our experience we saw that the bus/van lanes would be zipping through the traffic while those in cars would be bumper to bumper. We were able to get our van service which took us to Legoland from Singapore and back for only SGD 119 each for a group of 7 people including the entrance to Legoland and Sanrio Town. For those on a budget and are a bit more adventurous you can take the Bus routes as taking a cab from Singapore to bring you to Legoland will most likely cost you a fortune not counting the traffic. I would recommend to try out the travel and tours group called WTS Travel and Tours to book your Legoland Adventure, they'll require you to make a trip to Woodland Singapore which is quite a distance from Orchard. 

It was quite fun to be honest when we had to Hop Off to get through Singapore Immigration to get our exit stamps then Hop On again to cross the bridge over to the Malaysian side to get stamped for entry into Malaysia. The lines at both immigration were pretty quick and they seem quite used to the influx of people that come from either side of the border.

Once we got to Legoland Malaysia, our major concern at first was where to get to change money into RM from SGD. Luckily for us there were several establishments that accepted Singapore Dollars as payment though the exchange rate would most likely be a bit higher than the going market value. Legoland itself would accept Singapore or RM for payment of items that you would wish to buy. There aren't that many restaurants at the mall outside of Legoland but they all seem quite good enough to satisfy a hungry traveler for lunch and prices are generally quite cheaper than what one would normally spend for lunch in Singapore.

We had gone to Legoland Malaysia on a Saturday and was expecting a long line, such as that of what we experienced in Universal Studios Singapore, but to our surprise there wasn't a line at all. To be honest, we were even surprised that there wasn't that many people at the Legoland Theme park considering the massive size of the place. One thing to take note of though is that we realized how extremely hot the place was and had to buy umbrellas each as protection from the sun. If you brought your kids with you, I would strongly recommend preparing to bring a cap and other protective gear as they would most likely suffer from the immense heat of the place.

The rest of what I experienced you'll find from the photos below:

This is the entrance to Legoland, as you can see there was hardly anyone at the entrance considering that this is a popular travel destination. I guess we might have gotten lucky on this weekend. 

You'd get to see many of these Lego people in the entire Theme Park, all of which are quite amusing and of course deems a self photo to show them off. 
This was our first stop when we entered into Legoland, as we realized how extremely hot and humid the place was. Here we got ourselves an umbrella with the Lego logo on it and couple of drinks to keep us from getting dehydrated as we prepare to explore the massive place. 
This was quite an amusing Lego Person as you get to sit beside him, you'll hear his subtle snore as he sleeps off the heat wave of Legoland. 

Luckily we got to get a photo op with a Lego Mascot for the day and he seemed quite jolly enough to be candid with us Lego Crazy people. 

The Lego shop was quite a treat for us all, It provided us a place to grab items that we had been looking for here in the Philippines at a much cheaper price and at the same time provide us with a cool shelter from the heat wave outside. (We have noted though that between Legoland Malaysia and Singapore Toy stores, The Toy Stores in Singapore seem to be a bit lower in pricing for several of the items plus GST, so if you are shopping check first in Singapore before heading off here to compare)

The first ride we took was the Lego Train that would take us around Legoland allowing us a preview of what is to come of our Legoland Adventure. 

It just couldn't be helped, the heat wave was unbearable for many. Though once the trees have fully matured am sure this wont be much of a problem. Be sure to grab a map at the Legoland store to help with directions. Here we are heading to the Legland Train Station. 

Along the way we got to see some of the cool attractions such as this boat Legoland boat ride

Your kids can also stop over at this place to get to learn how to drive a Lego Car - Sorry for you older folks, this is a kids only zone as their cars won't be able to accommodate a full grown adult. I got envious too hehe

Here we all are waiting for our Lego Train to bring us around. As you can see we all made sure that we were wearing the Lego colors to proudly show how much of a legonatic we all were :) 

More photo ops as we get to rest our legs a bit and take in the scenic view of Legoland
In the train ride we already get to see a glimpse of the different Lego city structures to visit later within the day. We decided to wait till late in the afternoon to walk around that place to avoid getting a heat stroke.

Who is this peeping tom? On the train ride I was able to capture this naughty voyeur as he tries to peep around for birds :) pretty cool Lego People can be found all around Legoland, best to keep an eye out for them.

The train gave us a better view of the Lego Boat Ride. Its a good workout, just watch the heat.
Here you get to see the kids getting ready for their driving lessons. Pretty amazing course and I think it is a lot of fun, just wish they did one for the older kids like me :) 

There are also lots of playgrounds for kids to enjoy if ever the parents want to rest up a bit and recover from all that walking. Though cause of the heat that day I don't think anyone was up for game of chase and slide at that moment.

Meet Mr. Lego Chef, he'll be the Lego person welcoming you to his restaurant run by the ever trusty Lego Crew, Food here is good enough for the hungry. It also is a good shelter from the heat while giving its diners a place to rest up a bit before heading out further into Legoland

Here is another Lego person that wants to say hi. He's in-charge of construction and supplies. Dont forget to greet him when you get to Legoland Malaysia too.

As you can see, there are many lego people working away to make sure you have a good lunch :) The place does get a bit full, but finding a place to sit down isn't so hard and people seem to be quite friendly.
Lego Chef is playing around with me as I prepare to head off to the rest of Legoland. Dont forget to say hi to him too when you get there. 

This is every boy's dream, to be able to use a lego forklift :) Plus its a good photo opportunity :) 

There is usually a live Lego Show though for this day unfortunately we didn't get to watch. 

Here you get to see the very diligent Lego Fire Men, though dont expect them to relieve you from the  heatwave, that's something you'll have to deal with yourself :) 
Kids can get to ride the Lego Plane here as it spins around in a merry go round fashion to their hearts content.

The Lost Kingdom Adventure was what we all were eagerly willing to ride as here you get to compete with your comrades with the most number of points from the laser shooting ride. Dont expect much though in terms of scream fest as this is not one that'll be bouncing you around. 

Ancient Lego Relics always give a good reason to stop and get your photo game face on :) Especially since the line tends to be a bit long for this ride. 

Aha!! Who is this naughty Lego Explorer trying to hide from us :) 

Think the Egyptologists can figure out what this Ancient Lego Civilization was trying to convey to us unweary mortals? :) 
The river log ride is something you shouldn't miss, though do prepare ahead of time as you will most definitely get wet.
Another Ancient Lego Relic, pretty well done, wonder how many centuries did it take to make :) 

There are many adventure games with prizes all over Legoland that you and your family can try out. Some offer a guarantee that you'll go home with a prize. To play you'll have to spend though as this isn't covered in your ticket. 
Here we head off to the land of imagination as our next adventure would be leading us to the the 4D theater. 

Poly want a Lego? :) These too make funny noises but is quite amusing even for the older kids like me :) 

Here you can find that there is a day care area for your younger kids just in case you'll need to go off on the rides that require you to be of adult size :) 
Goofing around as we explore the many lego structures of Animals and Dinosaurs in the Area of Imagination.

Watch out for this one as that Dino sprays water :) 

Off to 4D theater, there are different shows every hour I believe but we simply watched just one. It was a great place to get cooled off literally and figuratively once inside. Just watch your gadgets as things could get a little wet inside.
Here we are to get a tower view of Legoland. It spins a full 360 degrees once you get to the peak of the tower. So if you are afraid of heights, this shouldn't be part of your agenda. 

Time for another photo opportunity as we rise to the top literally :) 
The view is quite amazing as you get to see the whole area from up top. 

Next stop was a place to rest up a bit and get to play around with some lego blocks. Here you get to build your lego structures, race them or even test the lego building you've made with their earthquake simulator.

This is the earthquake testing booth. Here Lego Builders get to put their structures to the test. You can adjust the magnitude and intensity of the quake and watch as you hope that your structure gets to hold strong.
This one is a ride where you literally have to pull up your own weight. I suggest to use gloves to avoid getting blisters but still quite fun especially when you reach the top and let it all go :) 

As the others prepare to pull their own weight, I got some time to goof around with Mr. Kangaroo Jack. :) 
Here you can see my friends arguing/strategizing on who gets to pull first :) 
A quick photo opportunity settles the dispute, at least for the mean time :) 
Hello to everyone from Mr Lego Blacksmith. :) He has taken time out from his busy schedule to allow me the opportunity to get this shot with him :) 

Here we go the land of the Green Dragon. This is where you can catch the Green Dragon Ride that is sure to get your adrenaline pumping. There is also a Wee Market Place for your Lego Buying pleasure. 

Haha my friend is an expert photo bomber :) 

Enter the Castle to tame the Green Dragon if you dare :) 
Nothing better than a cold wet towel to cool off from the heat wave of the day. 

This is my last thrill ride of the day :) Trust me I found myself screaming all throughout the ride.

You get to check out the Lego Robotics here at Mindstorms, right Mr  Lego Robo? :) 

Presenting Project X of Technic, the Roller Coaster ride that just made me leave my stomach somewhere up there :) 
Mr Legopuss looking onward as I bravely take my step into the what would be my last ride of the day. 
It was those wicked turns that just left me feeling like I would be hanging on to dear life :) 
We just had to get our photo with the Lego Master Artist :) 

The following are the amazing Lego Structures that just amazed us all. It was all so life like and well built. The details with each collection was incredibly accurate to what one would see in the real world.

I just couldn't resist, had to have myself included, It really makes it look like i'm on top of a building somewhere with these buildings down below :) 
I just love the detail on even the smallest things :) 
Now I really feel like I went to Malaysia :) 

Amazing how life like the structures are. 

Lego People busy with road repairs :) 

The Real Life Construction in the background just adds more to the life like lego structures being displayed here in Legoland Malaysia
Sad, no Cebu Pacific or Philippine Airlines here. But this Airport Lego Structure is simply amazing.

I felt like a shipping mogul with this shot :) Amazing detail for everything from ship to crates :) 

The Taj Mahal was my favorite of all the Lego Structures 

Just like I was really in Singapore :) 

Looks almost like the real Tiananmen Square
My Favorite of them all, wishing to get the chance to go there soon.

I love this Thai Temple Lego Structure, it looks so serene and even the Angkor Wat temple below is just as amazing.

Of course it wouldn't be complete with a little old school seaport :) just watch out for pirates!!!
Beautiful Rendition of a European Fishing Village

The actual Construction in the backdrop just makes things look

This is my second Fave (a little bit biased but heck it represent the Philippines) You have got to admit it does bring out that back water charm that most fishing villages have in the Philippines.
I really loved Legoland, the only downside to it all was just the heat and lack of cover and protection from the harsh elements. Had it rained that day it would have been a downer. Thankfully it didn't rain that day and the afternoon came to Legoland quickly. Would I recommend this to everyone? I would probably recommend it to those that haven't been to Legoland in Europe, and of course to Lego Fanatics. I also wouldn't set the standards too high in terms of theme park expectations as given that it is still new and there is still a bit of learning curve for both the staff and the fact that the place still needs a bit of sprucing up. Overall it was a pleasant experience for all of us.

Till Next Time...


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