Friday 16 August 2013

An Apple A Day...

     ...keeps the doctor away.

         Cliché? Not at all. Many who take the quote "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away." as an old saying, should take a step back and see that the saying does have truth in it. 

        Studies have shown that apples are rich in fiber and because of that it can help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Dentists usually tell kids that apples help fight cavities, true - but not just for kids. It works for adults, too. It can help you regulate blood pressure and prevent diabetes. Other studies have shown that it could also prevent Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Cataracts

       Apples have also been proven to help control weight. This heart-shaped, fiber-rich fruit can help people get back into shape. People who have one or two apples a day rarely have problems with obesity. 

       You might think that there are many ways to get fiber - there are other fruits. Yes, there are but apples, in most countries, are cheap and always fresh. Getting so much by spending so little is more than worth it because there is much to gain and nothing to lose - except those trips to the doctor. =)

          Always remember, fresh is best. You may opt to juice it and mix it with other healthy fruit - yummy and healthy! Like an apple-carrot fruit juice. With that, I think I'll go and have some myself. =)

- Till Next Time

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