Wednesday 25 March 2009

Wellness Wednesday on Empty Streets: 10 Benefits of Sleep

I have been blessed with good health for the past couple of years and fortunate enough for me if ever I do feel sick or a little under the weather I simply find time to sleep a little longer. By the time I wake up from my slumber, what seemingly ails me has somewhat disappeared. That in a way got me a bit curious to check out and see what other things does sleeping bring to those that practice it often.

Here is what I found:
1. Sleep for a "Healthy Heart" . Heart attacks and strokes are more common during the early morning hours.
2. Sleep may prevent cancer
3. Reduce your stress with sleep.
4. Be more alert
5. Reduces Inflammation
6. Help lose weight. Studies show people who sleep less than 6-7 hours per night are more likely to be overweight.
7. Reduce the risk of depression
8. Repair your body
9. Naps make you "smarter" Naps improve memory, cognitive funtion and mood
10. Bolsters your memory

Amazing isn't it? I never thought that sleep could be such a powerful healing tool for us. I guess that is why the babies sleep so much during their development stage. Anyways here is a video to further demonstrate the topic of sleep and it's health benefits.

Right Ratio of Rest (Pt 2): Benefits of Sleep - The most amazing home videos are here
Free Rice

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