Thursday 30 August 2012

HTC One X Updated to 4.0.4 Android ICS with Sense 4.1

I just got the notification to update my HTC One X to the latest software version of Sense 4.1 and Android ICS 4.0.4. When updating I remembered the rules of HTC which was to make sure the I have over 35% charge, in my case I made double sure by charging it to 100% before proceeding. The file was around 141MB and was indicated as a system's update. Update took roughly about less than 10mins tops to complete. The unit will heat up a bit during this time which I think is normal and will cool down eventually once everything is setup.

First impression of what i noticed right after my phone has been rebooted is that the colors of HTC One X's screen seemed to pop out a lot more. The HTC One X's transitions and speed was noticeably improved quite smooth actually which makes waiting for the Jelly bean 4.1 update even more exciting. I also immediately went to the display options and was happy to find the option to alter the function of the recent key to take on the role of menu options instead of having those three dots taking up screen real estate and now I can enjoy the 4.7" screen even more now. Makes browsing so much more fun, and while on the topic of browsing, the pinch to zoom didn't have the white blank images while zooming in and out anymore. Applications all load pretty much like they did before, though the only app that I noticed that doesn't seem to work so well with this update is the Facebook application (works but rather slow in terms of load time compared to all the other apps) which hopefully can be fixed by the app for compatibility. Sound Quality of calls has greatly improved as a friend of mine was just able to call me right after i got it updated. Music playback has greatly improved as well. 

Battery life seems pretty much the same, though there are some reports on the UK Global versions of a 15% improved battery life which I shall test myself in the next couple of days. Wifi signal seems strong as usual, and if you already found that HTC One X was pretty fast with AutoFocus, it seems to be even faster now. Video though able to take HD Videos still seem the same and reports of the below 30fps seems to still hold with the update. 

Overall the update seems to have addressed a lot of the concerns in terms of unexplained lags during transitions and much more, making the HTC One X an even better smartphone powerhouse than when it was originally launched. All the owners of the HTC One X are anticipating of how the Jelly Bean update will improve this awesome gadget even more.

Till Then....


Post update - after a couple of days with the HTC One X's 4.0.4 ICS update, I am glad to say that battery life has well exceeded my expectations. what used to be 12 - 14 hours of regular usage minus of course graphic extensive gaming such as Dark Meadows, I was able to get roughly about 17 to 20 more hours. It ability to retain a charge is now even more efficient, considering that the past update has improved it quite a lot as it is.

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