Thursday 10 January 2013

Review of Noom: Best Android Weight Loss Coach

In the spirit of prepping for the summer beach vacations where our top destinations for this year which is going to be Boracay in the Philippines and Bali, Indonesia, I have decided to give a Top Rated Android application called Noom Weight Loss Coach to see if this would be able to help me shed the pounds I have gained in the past year.

I used to be around 165-170lbs last year when I was considered quite fit for someone of 5'8" in height. After the holidays I now weigh about 185lbs. So in reference I have gained about 20lbs more or less and that is what Noom shall be helping me loose through a series of guided motivational point system that makes one aware of the practices that would have most certainly caused me to gain any more weight. Initially once you log in it'll be asking questions about your weight, age, and gender to determine your starting point. It'll also ask for a goal you would like to set for yourself and introduce you to a calorie centric methodology for loosing weight. Noom's philosophy is to make you aware of what you are eating by training you to diligently log in your food intake and you are responsible with strictly following your daily allowed calorie intake. The daily allowed calorie intake adjusts appropriately depending on your activities such as workout, how many steps you were able to take for the day and if you overate or didn't eat enough the previous day. It also gives bonus points when you read and do a particular challenge which requires internet access to be able to view, though generally the application works even without internet.

One downside that I noticed was the exercise mode wherein I had to bring my device say on a tread mill and run to record my progress. Using my Samsung Galaxy Note, that proved to be quite a challenge till I figured that I could just place it in my pouch bag strapped to my waist. I would most definitely have to get an arm brace for it to be able to be less convenient moving forward. The application tracked my workout progress pretty well but when it came to pilates and other floor workouts, I just couldn't figure out how it would be able to track those accurately. I also dont see how I could use it to track my workout if ever I had to swim knowing that most gadgets aren't water proof.

In terms of educating me with facts about weight loss and how to better manage my waistline, the Noom Weight Loss Coach has been very informative and the challenges were all worth doing. I have learned a lot in terms of the nutritional value of the food that I eat. I noticed that I was eating a lot of food that were in the yellow(average) and in the red(bad food such as white sugar and white flour) as compared to the ideal intake of food that are considered in the green (healthy food).

Being about two weeks into the Noom program I have personally lost about 2lbs though at times I would gain. I got worried actually when I gained but when Noom indicated that I should also monitor my waistline, I realized that I had gained muscle weight as I had lost an inch on my waist. Overall, the Noom is really a great weight loss coach but for it to be effective one should be very dedicated to follow its strict guidelines. I made it a fave application on my home screen so that I would be reminded to log in my food intake and more as compared to leaving it in the app drawer. I personally have no doubt as to being able to reach my goals for this summer in terms of weight loss, I just have to be mindful of what I eat and try my hardest to follow what Noom recommends.

Till Next Time...


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