Saturday 27 July 2013

Diet GO's and NO's

Diet Do's:

1. Exercise - this is the best and safest way to get rid of all those unwanted fats, maintain excellent blood circulation and lessen health risks. 
     - You need to find which type of exercise is most doable and enjoyable for you - jogging? dancing? biking? doing crunches?
     - Having an exercise partner has also proven to be more effective since it makes your work out time seem shorter, thus, encouraging you to exercise longer.

2. Improve your eating and drinking habits. You need to get rid of all the unhealthy food you are eating and substitute it with healthier options like eating fruits and salad instead of junk food. Many studies have shown that eating small amounts frequently is more effective than eating only one or two heavy meals a day.
     - Ask yourself - AM I HUNGRY or AM I JUST CRAVING? If you're just craving for some taste but you aren't hungry, but don't deprive yourself if you are. If you're not hungry then you should keep yourself busy with other hobbies until you are.
     - Be sure to keep yourself well hydrated. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Freshly squeezed fruits are just as healthy. 
     - It's important to eat properly to avoid developing eating disorders. Forcing yourself to barf all you've eaten is dangerous to both your mental and physical health. If you know someone like this - they need help.

3. Improve your sleeping habits. Yes, you read it right - S L E E P is just as important as eating and working out. Your body needs time to rejuvenate. Studies show that in order to live a body needs at least 4 hours of sleep a day but in order for it to rejuvenate, you need more at least 6-8 hours, hence the term beauty sleep.

4. Take supplements. Visit a doctor and find which vitamins or supplements best suit you as different people have different needs. Although you may have already started a healthy diet, it is also important to get all the proper nutrition your body needs for your weight loss program to be an effective and healthy one. 

5. Use a tape measure to check for weight loss. The most useful way to find out if you lost weight is if you get slimmer - so a tape measure should always be handy. Take note of your current measurements then check it out once in a week or once in two weeks. 
     - Using a weighing scale can only show if you are already within the weight standards for your age and height. People wonder why their weight fluctuates even when they hold a steady diet and exercise program. That's because with a weighing scale, it's impossible to tell if it's more muscle or more fat that put on the extra pounds.
     - You can check your weight and height standard by using this BMI calculator.

Diet Don'ts:

1. Don't depend on diuretics, laxatives, ipecac syrup and diet pills to lose weight. Each have their own medicinal properties and should be used as it was originally intended for. Using or depending on it entirely for weight loss could be damaging to your health - even lethal. Lifescript has discussed these 4 in detail very well - check it out. Apply this reason to anything you choose to take to help in your weight loss. Consult a doctor if you must.
     - Diet pills that are sold illegally are illegal for a reason. Do NOT take the risk - Diet and Suicide are two different things and you have to remember that.

2. Don't rush. Have you ever heard the saying, "Go fast by going slow"? Well, this is true for dieting.  Find your most effective, healthy, dieting method and stick to it. It's key to losing wight and keeping it off.

3. Don't compare your weight loss to others. People have different body types and health conditions. It's unfair to yourself to compare yourself to others in how quick or slow you lose weight. The fact that you are losing weight is great progress. Just keep it up. :)

4. Don't give up. Admit it. Unhealthy habits have brought you to where you are and changing a habit takes hard work, dedication, and discipline. DON'T YOU GIVE UP. In the end, you'll be proud of yourself and nothing beats that feeling. 

- Till Next Time

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