Sunday 8 September 2013

Shower Power - Hot or Cold?

Never underestimate the powers of a hot shower. 
In health, a hot shower and a cold shower both have more to offer than just the warmth or icy touch to our bodies.

A hot shower helps...
Soften stiff muscles. If you have a stronger shower head, the better. The shower can act as a massage agent, gradually relieving your muscles of that unwanted tension.

Remove cold spots - especially the ones in your back. In a hot shower, it's so relaxing to put your cold back against the warm, pouring water and feel your cold spots just get warmer.

Prevent a runny nose from taking over. When you feel like you're going to need a box of tissues, a ton of OJ and some cold medicine, step into a hot shower and feel its wonders. After a few minutes, your breathing will improve as the warmth seeps into your skin and naturally de-congests your cold symptoms.

Relieve stress. As your tight muscles loosen and your cold spots disappear, you can also feel your stress relieved leaving you in a more relaxed state. This is one of the reasons why a hot shower is best after work and before bed - leading to a great night's sleep or a romantic encounter.

Cold Showers AREN'T bad at all.

Those who have never taken a cold shower in their life should try having a few minutes of a cool shower after a hot one before turning the water off and patting yourself dry.

The truth is, cold showers also help our body in a lot of things. I know, I know - you're thinking - "It's cold! It's freezing!" I'm telling you, it only gets better.

Trust a cold shower to...
Improve the way you breathe. If it's your first time to try a cold shower, remember one thing - just breathe. Breathe in, slowly, then exhale slowly. After a few seconds the water won't feel too cold anymore. It becomes quite enjoyable. People with asthma gradually get over difficulty breathing because of a cold shower therapy.

Hydrate your hair and skin. It tightens the pores of your skin so you look healthier, younger and your hair becomes shinier - it gets more hydration under a cold shower. 

Wake you up. A cold shower is a great way to get ready for the day. If you're feeling lazy, a cold shower can wake you up and put you into a productive mode. 

Maintain a cool or normal body temperature avoiding fevers and improving resistance to other sicknesses as well. 

Alternating between hot and cold showers or combining the two, helps improve blood circulation. It provides the benefits mentioned above as well. In some countries, cold showers are the only option and in others there are water heaters built in their plumbing. 

Whether it's relaxing under some warmth or cooling down after a work out - the choice is yours. At least now, you have more to look forward to under the water aside from just the freshness after.

- Till Next Time

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