Friday 8 May 2009

Food Fridays on Empty Streets: Summer Orange Sorbet

I have just started posting my favorite summer recipes that everyone could benefit from this hot summer season. So for today, I am presenting to you a fairly easy to make Orange Sorbet that is sure to be a hit for your family and loved ones.

Orange Sorbet


1 pint (550ml) Water
6 oz (175g) Sugar
3 Oranges


Put the Water, Sugar and grated rind from one Orange in a saucepan and gently dissolve the Sugar. Rapidly boil for about 5 minutes. Allow to cool. In the meantimes squeeze out the juice from the Oranges and scrape away any extra flesh from the un-grated Orange halves. Add the strained juice to the Sugar & Water mixture when cool. Pour into a shallow (preferably plastic) container and put in the freezer. Stir occasionally so that lumps of ice do not form. Serve the ice in the Orange Halves.

For those that would like to try another variation of Sorbet, take your time to view the video below.

Have fun and keep cool always :)

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