Friday 18 December 2009

Featured Employer: ExcelAsia Training and Development Inc

I am sure that a lot of you that have sought a career in the Call Center Industry, has probably bumped into a lot of the job ads that Excel Asia has been posting across the world wide web and are a bit confused as to the nature of this company. There are several other companies just like Excel Asia out there and many of them as well have been confused with agencies that ask their applicants for either a placement fees or a certain percentage from their salary. Excel Asia does not do that. Excel Asia's nature of business is the Sourcing side of HR with the Specialization of Executive Search, Training and Development.

Now to help you understand this a little further, let us break it down to it's simplified version - Head Hunting. Head Hunters are people that source talents and potential applicants screening them to see if they qualify the needs of their partners, which in this case are Call Centers. The Clients provide the profile and requirements of the type of applicants that they need and these head hunters seek them out. They get a fee from the said Client whenever they find a match. The fee is paid once the conditions set between the head hunter and clients are met. This is never to be taken at the cost of the applicant. Now expand that into a full blown company and you have the HR Recruitment team of Excel Asia.

Excel Asia however isn't just a Sourcing company, it also understands that there are applicants that somehow have potential to become a match and we find ways to train and coach these people to meet the client specifications. That is where the training comes in. We take a lot of pride in this, as we believe that there are people that just need a little bit of tweaking to reach their aspired goal and to of course meet and exceed Client expectations. Best of all we do this for free.

One thing that sets this company apart from all the rest is the environment that we place both our Applicants and Clients in. When one sets foot in the company, you will instantly feel the reason why a lot of people say that all of the employees are "SO EXCEL ASIA". Everyone in the company is not only exceptional as individuals, we take everyone to heart. To sum this up I guess one can say that in Excel Asia, everyone shows that we CARE. Helping people is our primary objective and ensuring that we have aided in reducing the unemployment rate in the Philippines one person at a time is its greatest fulfillment.

Best thing that you can do for now is not to simply take my word for it. I say experience it. So if you want a one stop shop for all your job seeking needs, drop by and say hi. I can guarantee that you shall receive much more than just a welcome smile in return.
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