Wednesday 16 December 2009

Wellness Wed: Stressed?

It has been a couple of days into the holidays and yet a lot of people around me have been complaining that they aren't really feeling the holiday spirit as of yet. They talk about all the things that they still have to do. From work to shopping and even the parties that they all have to attend to. I have to admit that these are things that we cannot avoid during this particularly festive season but it is still important for people to take a bit of time to breathe and let loose from all that. One has to remember that Christmas is a time of happiness, sharing, and love. Otherwise if you had been looking at the stress wheel above and you see it moving quickly indicates that you need to turn around from the computer and close your eyes for just a bit and take deep breaths as you count from backwards from ten :).

I even recommend that you take time out from the real world and enjoy a little bit of fun outside with family and loved ones. You can even watch anime online like what me and my sister on while enjoying your favorite snacks and drinks. Enjoy some wine and some pastries. Most importantly - SMILE - this will turn a hectic and stressful day around better than any medication that you can probably think of. :) It has been known that facial expressions show the world how we feel no matter how hard we try to hide it, but amazingly enough it also works the other way around. The expressions on our face can also change and affect how we feel inside. That is why when we see someone that smiles at us and we smile back we get that warm fuzzy feeling ;)

So I guess the moral of this story is - Learn to chill :) and learn to have fun. Christmas wasn't meant to make people feel stressed :) xoxo

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