Tuesday 27 November 2012

HTC One X 4.1.1 Official Jelly Bean Update Review

It has been over a month since HTC had announced that they'll be releasing the Jelly Bean Update to HTC One X Users globally and today they have finally delivered on their promise. Below you'll get to see the many new things that has been improved, changed and redesigned software wise by HTC for the the One X users. If you have visited our article on what to expect with the HTC One X Jelly Bean update you'd be pleased to see that they have delivered on those things and have given much more.

Messaging application is now without the arrow keys though that can still be activated in the options setting located beside the side bar. 

The Notification screen is more comprehensive than the old ICS layout. Please take note that the Battery Icon and avast are third party apps that I have installed and have seamlessly integrated with the new software. The power saving options are also ready accessible here with just a click and you can adjust what it shall affect via settings or through this same button.
Power saving settings give you control of the cpu and so much more.

Back to messaging, by pressing and holding the symbols key, gives you access to the most used and fun emoticons for more convenience.

Color layout has also changed and is now less glaring to the eyes.

Power Settings Show a different more modern feel but still pretty much provides the same functionalities plus of course the power saving options that have been upgraded.

This shows the current android version and other software version updates.

The setting menu now resembles that of the HTC One X+'s

There are three new skins that have been added which brings a bit of a refreshing new feel and color combination.
Layout of the application menu has also been changed and improved.

Some of the built in applications such as flashlight have also gotten an upgrade with regards to their look and feel.

Task manager shows the full 1GB ram and what is being utilized. Interface has also been revamped and is a lot more intuitive to use.

Gallery application of HTC One X has had the most in terms of overhaul.  Now you can view photos based on where they are located, where they are stored and what event/day they were taken.

Google Plus interface has also changed just a bit.

Several new widgets have been added to the HTC Collection. Many of which take advantage of the amount of detail the screen can provide.

Google maps are still pretty much the same as with the last upgrade ICS 4.0.4

Music application of HTC One X has also been given a major upgrade and it is now pretty easy to go around your files as they are sorted by album, artist, genre and more. 

Bench mark scores where the most impressive based on the Antutu Scores. Previous score was rounding off to 10.5K and now has gone up to what you can see here now. End user result is also quite obvious

Bench mark results also with Quadrant Standard have shown a massive increase in performance. As you can see here, the previous HTC One X with ICS benchmark results barely hit 5,000 but with the Jelly Bean Update it is now close to 7,000
Screen and picture quality is just as stunning and the menu has been brought back to carousel mode which allows for continuous scrolling at least on the widget screen. 

Camera Layout has also had many upgrades and I personally think that it is a much more in tune with the overall user experience making the keys and menu option more ergonomically correct. 

Additional information such as hours of video taking left as well as photos are a very welcome addition. Front facing camera has also been improved by adding the same features that they have incorporated with the HTC One X+ such as timer for self portraits. 
Additional Camera settings have been incorporated to ensure that the users have full control of how the shots and videos are taken.

The HTC One X Jelly Bean update in my opinion is like a breath of fresh air for me as I can truly see how efficiently its software has merged with the hardware fully utilizing its skills and bringing the HTC One X the amount of seamless power it deserves. For the first time, I have not seen any lag in anything whatsoever. Games, applications and web-browsing have become so smooth and easy. Colors are somehow more vibrant too. This was something that HTC should have done with the HTC One X at the early part of this year right after it launched. Comparing it to the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2, the HTC One X is really still up there giving the top dogs a good run for their money. Of course the HTC One X+ still is the leading contender in terms of processor speed and battery life, but with the HTC One X now just a few points away from its flagship brother's benchmark this phone is definitely worth the cheaper price. ;)

I am sure that there'll be another update soon as Google has launched a new JB update on their phones with the version 4.2 but for now this HTC One X Official JB update is making me love my HTC One X so much more.

Till Next Time...


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