Monday 30 July 2012

Facebook Poll Survey: What People Mostly Use Their SmartPhones For

Just Recently Concluded a survey with friends on their SmartPhone Usage. Irregardless of platform or device type, everyone still uses their smartphones for practically the same things as specified below.

Based on their feedback, Keeping updated with friends and social media news is very important for  almost every SmartPhone user. They would even go as far as saying that they get updated with news both local and abroad through social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Being able to simply slide through each updates with ease is a very important consideration for most of the SmartPhone Users. Social Networking functionalities don't require much power but the better the software and more cpu and ram a phone has the better it is for the end user experience.

Taking pictures of what's happening to them at any given time, from fun to sharing immediate news and happenings is apparently very important to a majority of SmartPhone Users. They like to snapshots about themselves as it is easier to show people what is going on rather than writing about it. Not Many though take videos in comparison to still shots. Panoramic shots, night shots and other effects are also mentioned to be equally important to capturing that once in a lifetime experience. The better the Quality of the shots the more likely they'll be purchasing the phone.  A good megapixel camera is often what they would be looking for at first, then saturation and effects one can apply to that of pictures taken is next, which is secondary for most as they tend to use varying applications both free and paid to alter the pictures after. Photos and Social Networking for a lot if not all of the users go hand in hand as applications like instagram, streamzoo, and Camera360 allows users to take photos, enhance them, and then share it via twitter, facebook, foursquares, and more.

For Music, what they like are those that can convey deep, rich sounds just as much as delivering pitch without the annoying static and scratchy background noise. If the phone can enhance their favorite beats even better. Of course the ability to customize the base, pitch and volume along with the equalizers would be a huge plus for the audiophiles. Aside from music quality, and seemingly more important than quality of sound is memory capacity. The more flexible in terms of storage space for data such as MP3, photos, and other files the better it is for them. If a phone doesn't have a slot for a memory card expansion then it should have at least 32GB of memory, 16GB is barely enough for a lot of these respondents as many have mentioned that music files alone would consume roughly about 8 to 11GB of space, leaving very little for their applications, contacts, document files, etc. But, preferably an expansion slot that allows upto 64GB would be most appealing if not a deal breaker for most.

People are also now using their smartphones for emails and web searches more now versus using their pc and tablet, thus having a good email client and web browser on the smartphone is an advantage. The respondents have recommended the email client interface of the following Samsung Galaxy Note, HTC One X, and Samsung Galaxy S3. They liked them cause of the ease of use especially with the Samsung Galaxy Note being the more favored one due to similarities with an actual PC/Tablet Email Interface Feel.

Gaming and Navigation are both notable, and is quite important to a number of users, this is where the phone's GPS and/or Mapping tech and apps are quite important. Many of those that have a Smartphone are now relying on their phone's capability to guide them turn by turn to the places they go to rather than using a separate Navigator. The phones that have GPS are proving to be the most favored by users in this aspect as it allows them to navigate without the need for an internet connection, all that they would need is an application that allows navigation via downloaded maps. In the Google Play Store the most popular GPS Navigation application is MapFactor. iPhones unfortunately don't have this functionality, though are still able to navigate using online maps and 3G, but not as accurately and timely as those with the GPS installed.

For the Gaming part users are more particular with how capable their phone is with handling games from something as simple as angry birds to the more complex and cpu/ram eating operating games such as Riptide and more. But in general, most of the respondents don't really use their phones for gaming until they are ready to head home or simply passing the time waiting for someone. Battery life is the common fear of users, as they feel that if they play they could inadvertently drain precious battery that could be used for emergency situations. Most users, in the survey don't play graphic intensive games much either as some of them complained of their units heating up during gameplay. Common games that are favored on a day to day basis are those that are easy, addicting, and mentally challenging such as angry birds, amazing alex, zombirds, bubble shooter games, etc.

Only a small number of the respondents use their smartphones for watching videos(many of which are porn) and for shopping and office productivity i.e. Word Document Editing, Power Point Presentations, Excel Sheet, etc. However, irregardless of which if blown up to a multiple of worldwide users the number is still quite significant. For them, a phone that can not only support these but enhance their user experience for these tasks would be their ultimate phone dreams.

Pulling from this particular Survey, one can see how people have evolved in terms of how they use their Phones. We are rapidly moving into an era of full integrating technology with our daily lives and the more integrated a gadget can get with our lives the better. The more "fluid" the experience, irregardless of who or what made the phone the better. Brand is a name for most users that want quality, but if the brand starts to fail to deliver and another does, there shall be no hesitation for people to move. Once it becomes a standard expect that people will want more, much much more.

Till Next Time...


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