Thursday 5 February 2009

Marketing 411: Top Online Advertising Networks

There are many affiliate and publisher programs out there that use bloggers and website owners in marketing their products. If you are interested in earning from your sites here is the list of the top ten.

1)Adsense by Google Top Ten Adsense

AdSense is rated the best money making advertising network. AdSense is an advertisement serving program run by Google. Website owners can enroll freely in this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video advertisements on their websites. These advertisements are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. You can sign up your free account at (check out our Easy Adsense Module For Joomla)

2)Adbrite Top Ten AdBrite

Right now AdBrite is considered the best alternative for google adsense and day by day it is growing reputation . AdBrite serves 372 million impressions a day on 82,606 sites, according to their published stats, and is the 10th largest ad network on the Internet according to Media Metrix .

(Note: If you want to find a cheaper and reliable place to advertise your website, you can read our Adbrite for advertiser review here to see why Adbrite is better than Adwords for advertisers)

3)Bidvertiser Top Ten Bidvertiser

Another alternative for adsense and it's lay-out is like adsense. Their minimum payout also small and everybody can make it in short time.
Some of features are
  • Customize the layout of your ads
  • Block any unwanted ad
  • Always have the highest bidders displayed on your website
  • Generate reports to monitor your ads performance
  • $10 minimum payouts through PayPal
4)Clicksor Top Ten Clicksor

It is also good and pays good amount to the publisher. Participating sites must have 5,000 page views per day or 150000 page views per month and site must be in English written content.

5) Top Ten

It operates the largest display advertising network in the United States and UK. They work with 200+ of the largest e-commerce brands across the world.

7)Commission Junction Top Ten CJ

Big advertiser and affiliate network available worldwide. Commission Junction is the largest affiliate network in North America, powering almost 50% of the top 500 web retailers affiliate marketing programs and operates worldwide. Along with being the world's largest Affiliate Network. It has over 1,500 customers including, Home Depot, Circuit City, Experian and Yahoo!.

8)Linkshare Top Ten LinkShare

Another big affiliate network for publishers. LinkShare clients are Fortune 500 and prominent companies doing business online, and include Macy's, J.C. Penney,,American Express, Avon Products and many others.

9)Yahoo Publisher Network Top Ten Yahoo Publisher

Created to compete with google adsense. Publisher Network (abbreviated YPN) is a beta network, launched on August 2, 2005 by Yahoo. As the service is currently in Beta, it is currently only accepting US-Based publishers; it is believed that Yahoo! will expand this when the program comes out of Beta. YPN provides cost per click contextual advertising, similar to Google Adsense, as well as various tools and services to assist publishers in building and improving their websites.

10)Microsoft Adcenter Top Ten Microsoft Ad

Microsoft-own publisher network. Still on beta. is the division of the Microsoft Network (MSN) responsible for MSN's advertising services. Microsoft adCenter provides pay-per-click advertisements.

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