Saturday 18 April 2009

Empty Streets Special: Laptop Stolen

Hi to all of my loyal readers, I have to apologize that I may not be able to post as regularly this week as my best friend ACE my laptop was stolen from me. This morning someone broke into my home and robbed me. Am happy though that none of us were hurt. But until I get back my laptop or buy a new one I wont be able to make any posts. Please feel free to browse the archives as there are hundreds of articles and maybe a couple might be of interest to you. Please also pray for me as I am going to work to get a lot of the things that were stolen from me back or replaced. I am still a bit rattled from this incident and I also pray that those people that invaded my home get captured. Thank you all for your support, dont worry though, I may just only be crippled for a week and will resume regular posting after. t
Free Rice

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