Saturday 26 September 2009

Empty Streets Special: A Prayer for the VIctims of Typhoon Ondoy

Metro Manila has just experienced a calamity that is beyond words. I was lucky that my apartment - elevated as it is - only got about a foot of flood water. But, many of the others out there were less fortunate. There are so many victims to name and the after effects is still being felt.

Right now all I can ask of my readers is to please send a prayer for all of us. That is all we can do as we fight to recover what was lost and eventually start to rebuild. I also ask for prayers for those that have passed away all throughout this ordeal.

If you wish to help out here are the drop off points for donations: DROP OFF POINT

Here is a news coverage of Typhoon Ondoy. I have to apologize though as the news footage is in tagalog but the scenes should be more than enough to show you how much this Typhoon has affected our people:

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