Wednesday 23 September 2009

Wellness Wed on Empty Streets: Effects of Partying (Hang Over)

I admit that I was one of those people that loved to party and get drunk and wake up feeling under the weather the next day. I honestly didn't care about my health, since as we all know the feeling that we get was great during the party. What I didn't know and wish I had back then was that the after effects weren't just something that one could heal from - it had a high risk of become permanent and eventually lethal.

I was going through a National Geographic documentary video, which I will feature in a bit, and what I saw was shocking. One would think that smoking was the greatest risk one would have at an all night event. Little did I know that alcohol, the sound and much more were hitting my body, literally pounding it, causing irreparable damage. I guess in more ways than one I was lucky since my check up with my doctors came out ok - normal to say the least - but that was probably due to the fact that I didn't party as hard or as regularly as most people in their twenties and I had a very active and healthy life style. However, it still isn't an excuse to over do it.

It is true that parties is a natural part of growing up, keeping it in moderation though is advisable and taking necessary precautions is a must.

Here is the video that I was talking about:

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