Thursday 24 September 2009

Travel Thursday on Empty Streets: Let's Visit Japan

I have written a couple of articles about some of the popular cities in Japan, but I haven't really taken the time to talk about Japan. For one thing, Japan is very close to my heart just as much as the Philippines is, as many of my relatives come from Japan. My mom herself was once a singer in Japan along with her sister who is now married to a Japanese Businessman.

Japan as a culture is mixture between both traditional and modern technological thematic. It has gone a long way through history of both war and peace. A culture so rich and defined that one has to simply admire the beauty of perfection inspired by the masters of old. See that is one thing that always gets to me about that country, they never forget their roots. Always looking forward to the next technological advancement that their minds could come up with but still within the confines of their homes, the peaceful serenity and zenistic simplicity rules.

The people themselves are quite amazing, serious when needed but when it is time to relax they relax with style and grace. The respect for family is unequaled anywhere else. Though I have to admit sometimes their idea of honor does go a little bit over board at times but admirable nonetheless. Honest and hardworking are the first two things that come into my mind when I think of the Japanese People.

The food in Japan is both exotic and divine. One would only have to look around the corner to see delicious meals that can be both for a simple sit down to something you would eat on the run and am not talking about hotdogs on a bun, think takuyaki balls and unless you have tried them I am telling you now you are missing out on life. Sushi and sashimi are the most commonly eaten Japanese food and don't forget the Maki to top it all off. And of course the gyoza and the mouth watering soba cooked in several ways that would make you crave for more. The taste is one thing but the art put into every meal presented makes one cringe to think of eating it without taking a picture of it before it fades into the bottomless pits of our stomach.

Japan is definitely such a wonderful place to visit and undoubtedly one that you would never forget. Here is a video presentation of Japan as they welcome you to their homes:

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