Wednesday 28 October 2009

Wellness Wed on Empty Streets: Power Of Prayer

Being a person born into a family of diverse religious beliefs and traditions has brought me to a place where I was given a chance to choose and see what works for me. I have gone from Islam, Christianity, New Age, Scientology and into Agnostics. I may look and sound a bit confused but in the search for truth one is left with nothing but faith and an inner voice that guides and pushes us to go where we must. But throughout these experiences one thing stands out amongst all. The Power of Prayer especially one done with a pure strong human emotion creates an occurrence of signs and wonders that one would often call miracles.

I know to some it may sound weird, some may be able to relate. But I speak out of personal experience. It matters not what faith you are in but when people pray with all their hearts something happens. I have seen people who were blind start to see, people who are deaf start to hear and people that couldn't walk jump up for joy. How and why, science is at a loss trying hard to find the facts that would explain the unexplainable. Evidence of a Higher power a God that answers these prayers exist but like the wind one can only feel its effects.

In my new position as Account Manager I have asked applicants to pray not only for themselves but for their interviewer as well. Those that have agreed to do so and acknowledged their faith and belief that God would hear their prayers have passed without a hitch as compared to those that didn't. Some whose chance of passing was rather slim were the ones getting in while those that showed confidence in themselves didn't.

In the past month after the Typhoon had ravaged my home and the family feud that sizzled to a dizzying escalation hit my home and me, I was left to sit back and pray. It was as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders and things no matter how hard and serious they were became easy. It was like I felt that there was Someone there listening to me, listening to my every tear that dropped as I asked for guidance and help. Things started going well again. I felt the sense of purpose and life. I became a testament to what Prayers can do for those that do it with sincerity and purity of heart.

I guess at the end of all this one starts to realize why an old family advice of when a family starts praying together, they are guaranteed to stay together. I am starting to understand why families bonded together by faith are the only ones surviving and thriving. Less chance of experiencing broken homes and all the terrible things that we are hearing in the news about drugs, sex and violence. In the homes that I have seen that have practiced The Power of Prayer, one could undeniably feel the positive air that surrounds the homes that they live in. Peaceful is the best word to use to describe that feeling.

Prayers based on my experience has helped me out, I speak this as a witness to it. It may not be something you may find factual to you, however I strongly encourage that you should try it. Release your heart out to the Universe and pour out your emotion. Prayers are cheap - but the result of it is priceless.

Here is a video about the same topic that I have found in Youtube that I am sure you would find rather interesting:

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