Monday 11 June 2012

Xian's Las Haciendas Adventure

Compare hotel prices and find the best deal - HotelsCombined.comLast weekend we decided to go on a Las Haciendas hike trip with an unlikely hiker of our family, Xian our white Pekingese Dog. Las Haciendas is located in Batangas, near Tanauan City, roughly about 2 hours drive away from Metro Manila Via SLEX. All of the pictures here were taken using my HTC One X.
Meet Xian our Hiking Pekingese - Though Admittedly he had to be in his doggy back in some parts of the hike to avoid the hassles of the river crossing.

From Makati City we took the Skyway along Buendia, you would have to keep your eye out for the exit as the SLEX exit came a lot earlier than we thought and because we missed it ended up in the Alabang Exit and had to go around Alabang trying to find our way back to SLEX. The travel from that point though was rather easy and quite scenic.

We were impressed with how green the surrounding area was heading to the SLEX to STAR section of the South

To help with finding how to get to Las Haciendas farm we had to use our Navigators CarNavi and also an application on the Android called Navigator(have to download the offline map for the philippines, which is free. This allows you to navigate without the need for internet connection and use your phone's built in GPS to guide the way) for my HTC One X. Side by side the CarNavi and Navigator app worked like a charm and guided us to where we had to go. Tip though on the navigation - if you can't search for the place using the usual search terms utilize the map and scroll around and manually create a flag waypoint for a more accurate destination lock. 

One we arrived at Las Haciendas' Club House we were greeted immediately with an awesome view of the valley between Batangas and Tagaytay City not to mention a bird's eye view of Ambon Ambon Falls where we would be hiking up to right after.

These are the shots taken right at the Infinity pool of the Las Haciendas Club House
(Las Haciendas is going to be with MegaWorld soon so expect an even better property development - I can just imagine how much more better this view and place shall be)

We sat in the club house for a quick lunch first and cool down from the long drive before we gear up for the 40 min or so hike to Ambon Ambon Falls. There are a variety of amazing lunch specials to choose from and very clean showers to use for those that want to freshen up before and after the hike. 

Xian and his daddy cooling off before our long hike up to Ambon Ambon Falls

From Las Haciendas a Jeepney was scheduled to pick us up at 1:15, right after our lunch. From Las Haciendas to the Drop off point for the hike was a quick 2 minute ride. A guide was there to meet us at the drop off point and gave us a quick briefing as to what to expect for the hike. One of the things he emphasized on was that we would be crossing one path that find us about waist high with creek water thus we had to ensure that all of our gadgets were kept in water tight packaging or at least in a single bag that would be easy to carry over our head.

Below is the picture summary of the hike up to the point of Ambon Ambon Falls.
This would be the first marker of the Ambon Ambon Hike

The amount of Tree and Flora Cover it wasn't as hot as one would've expected of a hike

Many of the Plants that provided shelter from the sun were these large overgrown bamboos swaying to the gentle breeze

We also had umbrellas with us just in case rain decided to fall and also as quick shield from the sun in times that we were not under the leafy covers of the trees and bamboos

A new and improved foot bridge, beside it was an old ancient and broken down bridge which thankfully we didn't have to take

We found ourselves hiking uphill most of the time which was a good cardio workout for all of us

Open fields and a small banana plantation patch was a common site

Rice planting season, though the farmers and farm animals were in siesta mode by the time we arrived

Man made water spout, this was a halfway mark to Ambon Ambon Falls. This served as a place to cool down and refresh before we head up further the hike path.

We also had times when we would head downhill but not as often as the steep climbing paths we've encountered.

Small creeks were common and I recommend to wear foot wear that you can use in these situations. 

An old broken down hut was an eerie place to see along the path, hopefully someone restores this to its former magnificence. 

We found ourselves on the side of a cliff, had to be careful not to fall as the rocks were sharp and steep at this part.

This was the start of the really wet hike up to Ambon Ambon Falls

Nature was really showing off from here, with dragonflies dancing around like black fairies around everyone that was walking across the wet path

The shade from the foliage and the cool creek made the feeling of a some what magical setting.  

This was the final mini rock climb up to Ambon Ambon Falls. You would either choose to go up the wooden make shift ladder or go to the water chest deep side on the left. I personally found going to that later to be easier and much wetter.

Careful though as you reach the other side of this boulder, the water and slippery rocks still tend to be quite a challenge and we all had our own versions of cuts and bruises but nothing major.

This is what we found on that last climb which I have to admit was worth all the effort. Below this is a mini pool that we had an awesome time splashing about it.

This was my favorite spot of the falls cause standing underneath the falls was both refreshing and fun.

The hike back was a lot quicker, I think that was primarily because we didn't take pictures anymore and was rather in a hurry to get to the sari sari shop by the start of the hike entrance. We all had our fair share of sodas to get cooled down before we started the 2 minute ride back to the Las Haciendas Club House.

The reward we all gave ourselves was fun pool time over at the Las Haciendas Infinity pool. Enjoying the warm waters and the awesome view of the hike we had just previously conquered. Over all the hike wasn't a tough one as Xian our Travelling Pekingese and the kids all found it quite fun and easy. 

The waters of the pool was pleasantly warm and of varying depths was ideal for both kids and adults alike.

View of the club house by the pool side, there are also small huts where one can sleep and lounge in during the lazy afternoon underneath their mango and coconut trees.

Xian was also feeling relaxed and cooled off by the pool side hut. He was was probably contemplating on the fun day he had. Plus he was able to finish off more than the usual food for dinner after this which was a good thing since he tends to be a picky eater come dinner time.

Coconut juice anyone? :) 

Xian all pooped out and sleepy by the time he got home. Though he was generally asleep the entire trip back and was snoring all the way home while hogging the car's AC.

Would we recommend going to Las Haciendas? of course, especially since the trip was quite inexpensive. The hike fee itself was only 150 per head and make sure you either eat lunch prior to the hike at the Las Haciendas Club house or bring a picnic lunch and enjoy it at the falls. 

This week's adventure will be at Bangkok and there'll be a lot of pictures to be taken there. I'll be over working all of my travel gadgets and hopefully be able to bring home some amazing shots.

Till the next time...

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