Monday 15 October 2012

Color Pyschology and Marketing - Summary of How it Affects the Consumers Online

I have been asked this quite a number of times - How does color affect people's choices online. I have been fortunate enough to gather a series of data that can summarize the answer to this question. But the charts that are featured below are but a few of the studies that have been conducted to show how Color affects Consumer behavior and should be taken with a grain of salt. People are still individuals and that there are still several other factors that could get tied into the play of what causes them to purchase something or not. Color is just but one factor that can have an effect on how people think and feel about a particular product. There are things such as pricing, demographics, economics, and much more that can influence a person's choice of what he or she should be spending on.

As you can see the charts presented here have varied information on how color affects people in various ways. Finding a way to merge this with other marketing and psychological data is important in creating that right blend in terms of consumer behavior and their buying results. Even the big companies are still continuously re-imaging themselves to reflect their current objectives and direction which means that you should always be constantly alert as to how people are affected by their senses. Overall if you can find a formula that engages the human senses, which means hitting most if not all of the 5 different senses, should guarantee product and service impact. How you'll incorporate all those is the question which could make or break your brand.

Till the Next Time.....


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