Tuesday 12 January 2010


I have gotten a lot of emails from readers that are interested in starting their own blog so they can earn extra income on the side. I normally say that all it takes are the following:
  • Self evaluation of interests (necessary if targeting your own niche)
  • Perseverance and Passion
  • Patience
  • Creativity
  • Constant Study
  • Mentorship (finding mentors in this industry is an absolute must)
  • Love of writing and sharing (this is the basis of why blogs were made in the first place)
  • Constant Monitoring of Traffic and Readers
Fortunately the first couple of bullets are easy to obtain with a little help from family and friends. But what happens after you have done everything and things are still a little bit in the runt? Then expert help is the best way to go. One such expert that I would like to commend is Hubspot. Hubspot has in more ways than one allowed me to see where my blogs stand in the market and even allows me to view what my competitors have that I need to work on. They have proven to be very helpful in providing marketing tips and tricks that has allowed me to increase my traffic and maintain a constant readership.

Here is more about them based on their website:
HubSpot® is an inbound marketing system to help your small or medium sized business get found on the Internet by the right prospects and convert more of them into leads and customers for maximum marketing ROI.
HubSpot inbound marketing software helps your company get found by the qualified prospects that are looking for the products or services that you sell in search engines, blogs and the blogosphere, and social media. Once these qualified visitors are on your website, HubSpot helps you convert more of them into leads and paying customers through landing pages, lead intelligence and marketing analytics.

HubSpot is web-based, does not require any IT staff, and is designed to be used by a marketing person, not a techie. Our company, our blog and our products have been featured in the Wall Street Journal Online, MarketingSherpa, PC Magazine, AdAge, and MarketingProfs.
Now Hubspot does not only focus on websites. They have acknowledged and even demonstrated how blogs such as this one and millions of others are reshaping the Marketing Industry. They have even come up with blogging tips that is free for all and is an eye opener for both tenured and newbies alike. Check it out: Hubspot Blogging Kit

With all that said, I guess it is time for you to try it out and start blogging. Over all simply follow what you feel you like to share and talk about. Eventually, the shape of your blog and the people that read it shall follow.

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