Wednesday 27 January 2010

Wellness Wed: Cough Remedies that work and is light on cost

I was hosting a wedding today and nothing really bothers me more than an itchy and irritating throat. I did my best to keep from coughing while concentrating on the program and keeping guests entertained. I had tried using conventional medicine from the hotel's clinic but unfortunately it did nothing to soothe my dilemma. So I tried the old fashion remedy that my mom taught me. Drink warm water with Honey and Chamomile tea. It worked like a charm and for the entire 3 hours straight I wasn't bothered by my itchy throat and thus helped cease the coughing symptom till the program ended.

This is one of the reasons as to why I really prefer home made remedies over the synthetic medications. Don't get me wrong though, I do take regular medication from time to time, but using home made remedies along with regular medication does help increase the healing rate. Regular herbal therapy is also the best way to prevent certain diseases from happening.

Now with the cough issue, it was truly helpful to use honey and tea for my predicament but that isn't the only option one has for helping heal the common cough. From I found other herbs that are as easily accessible at home and still prove to be effective in helping relieve and heal the common cough.

Here are the things that they recommended:
As you can see from this list, all of these ingredients can be found in the local grocery store if not in your refrigerator. We all use these in our cooking from time to time and continued use of these can also guarantee a lesser chance of getting a bad case of the flu and of course the cough.

eHow from Youtube also has a cool advise for home remedies with regards to healing the irritating itchy feeling one gets during a bad cough and more.

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