Tuesday 5 January 2010

Wellness Wed: Financial Health

I have written a lot of articles that have focused on the body and mind's well being. Today am focusing on something that affects us all directly and indirectly no matter how healthy we may be. Financial Health, is something that a lot of us know that we need but have failed to focus properly on. We accept that fact that in order for us to eat we need to work, however, many have ignored the fact that we can start investing for our future to save us from the toils of labor when we get too old to work. Some have focused on savings which is good, but even better are those that have done research into the topics of Passive income. Sadly though many do not even think about any of these things and do not know exactly where their money is going.

When is the right time to think about money and one's future? The answer to that is now. As responsible parents, one should already be teaching the value of saving to their children. As adults we should already be practicing this philosophy as our future is at stake and more so with our loved ones that will benefit from it eventually.

Want to know if you are financially healthy? Here is a checklist quiz to see if you are:

For Students: Financial Health Checklist.
Others: Financial Fitness Quiz

After taking that quiz here is a video that will help you understand more as to the need to take care of your financial health.

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