Friday 30 January 2009

Call Center Life: The Art Of Selling

Noone can deny that in the call center industry selling is definitely the biggest thing not to mention what brings in most of the benefits and revenue. I have gotten a lot of feedback from people during my training sessions that they aren't the kind of people that is really into selling. It is because of this that I was compelled to write about the art of selling to show you that selling is something that isn't something you just do because you want to sell a product that someone has to use or a commodity that is being introduced to the market - it is because you have to be aware that you are selling something everyday including yourself.

Yes, it can be quite shocking to some but when you think about it, everytime you interact with someone to get what you want, you literally have to sell something - it is not limited to just a thing, it can be a service, a talent, a skill, and idea. Considering these options alone can give one a migraine however serves the purpose of showing you where you really stand. The only time you wont sell is if you probably live on your own in a deserted island and all you have is a big coconut tree to talk to.

Here is a video further elaborating the point as it teaches you the art of selling - this is video playlist whose series has been appropriately entitled "The New Art of Selling"

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