Monday 19 January 2009

Call Center Life: Useful Website -

I have been asked several times as to where people can go to practice and learn the basics of English Pronunciation - most especially by those that are aspiring Call Center Agents. Amazingly enough I do have a website that I can strongly recommend for all those that want to learn english pronunciation basics - is a very useful website in terms of pronunciation, headed by (both literally and figuratively) Dave Sconda. Dave Sconda is both fun to watch and learn with. He has been able to create videos and tutorials that are amazingly interactive and fun. He goes from the most commonly mispronounced consonants and vowels to vocabulary exercises for daily conversation.

I have constantly used his site and videos to teach people who are learning the language from ground zero and have seen a lot of improvements from them when interlaced with regular reading and practice. Dave Sconda's lessons are light and easy to understand making it ideal for people of all ages.

Here is his video on how to pronounce the TH sounds just to get you guys hooked ;)

Hope you guys enjoyed this featured article. Do come back for more as there a lots to come. Till the next time. xoxo

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