Wednesday 7 January 2009

Call Center Life: Coaching - SMART Goals

I have been asked this several times in my career as a call center professional - How do I conduct a good SMART Goal Coaching session?

For those that do not know what SMART stands for here is what it means

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Accurate

R - Reachable

T - Time Bound

SMART is used to help Personnel struggling with their metrics and Key Performance Indicators and can even be used as a means for management to find out GAPS in terms of optimum performance within their company. It can also be utilized as a gauge of performance judgment for Managers and their Support. But how does one conduct a good Coaching session?

Here's a video to help you out:

I do hope that this article has helped clear up some of the major questions that a lot of people have about SMART Goals and Coaching with it. If you have any further questions or suggestions on future topics please feel free to leave me a message here in Call Center Life. Till the next time.

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