Wednesday 28 January 2009

Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Yogurt

I have been working on my weight and am really working on bringing back my abs as the modeling audition season is coming up pretty soon. So there are a lot of things that I had to consider in terms of what to eat and their many health benefits. What attracts me more about a particular food is how much calories it contains, how long will it keep me full and of course will it help me loose weight along the way. Amazingly enough I have discovered several nutritious goodies that does just that and is also tasty at the same time. I'll try to post as much of them as I can for this series of Wellness Wednesday. So for today I would like to introduce you to a very healthy and quite accessible if not affordable snack that has proven to be a potent healthy source of protein and much more.

Here are the many benefits of Yogurt:

- Contains probiotics. This is a "good" bacteria that improves immune functioning and digestion. If yogurt says live and active bacteria on the label, it contains probiotics.

- Yogurt is great for both building muscle and losing weight because of its low fat and high protein content. For a weight loss diet go for low or non-fat yogurt with a low sugar content.

- Contains nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B-2 and B-12.

- Having a yogurt a day helps maintain bone mass and reduces the risks of osteoporosis.

- Yogurt reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

- Probiotics helps to treat and prevent conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, lactose intolerance, diarrhea and constipation.

- Probiotics helps to discourage yeast infections

- Yogurt is a great weight loss snack because it helps you feel fuller for longer. You will actually end up eating less calories during your next meal if you snack on yogurt.

I have to say too that this little snack can be bought off the shelf and mixed with your favorite fruits and can even be used as a dip for vegetables in its frozen form. Its versatility is endless and yes it is not for women only ;)

Here's a cool video with Jamie Lee Curtis and Yogurt (Activia):

Free Rice

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