Monday 26 January 2009

Music Monday on Empty Streets: Featuring Britney Spears

I just recovered from a very bad eye problem caused by my contacts - mostly my fault i think :) but now that things are starting to clear up literally am back and back with a very curious topic for Music Mondays - I was researching about who is the internet's most searched for artist and guess what it is Britney Spears herself. We have to admit that Britney from the start of her career has been powered by the mass media medium known as the world wide web and is continuing to be the reason why this diva has and is apparently staying around for all to see and sometimes wonder.

Now just because she is the most searched singer artist she is now on Guiness' world record for the most searched person on the web and thus I opted to feature her here and recognize her for this seemingly amazing feat :)

And to commemorate her success with being the hottest item off the web here is a song number from the Web Diva herself:

With The amount Media that has been hounding her around here is her response with Piece of Me


Free Rice

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

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